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Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH - Get Rating) - Stock analysts at Oppenheimer dropped their Q4 2022 EPS estimates for Sally Beauty in a note issued to investors on Thursday, August 4th. O
Getting the perfect gel manicure at your local salon (and keeping your nails in polished perfection) requires a lot of time and money— two things you'd probably rather keep for yourself. But there are gel manicure kits at Amazon by cult-favorite brand Beetles up to a jaw-dropping 60% off, to
For a second time, Gov. Kathy Hochul postponed a rule requiring nail salons across New York City to install a ventilation system for the next six months, leaving nail technicians and advocates fearful for their safety.
GLOSSLAB is a nail salon with multiple locations throughout New York
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You can give yourself a professional manicure with this awesome manicure kit for a great deal!
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A post shared by BEAUTY BY KATIE LOUISE (@beautybykatielouise)
Cue the record scratch, because we have a beauty-trend remix on deck. You've likely seen Hailey Bieber's glazed-doughnut nails by now — you know, the ones that glisten just like a doughnut freshly slathered in melted sugar.
For a second there, it really looked like the Golden Globes were going to be a thing of the past. The embattled awards institution created by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has struggled to maintain its gilded stature lately, but The Hollywood Reporter broke last night that the Golden
After nearly four years of being a console exclusive, Marvel’s Spider-Man is finally available on PC. And Nixxes did more than just port the game over. With a slew of graphics improvements and more settings, Marvel’s Spider-Man looks its best on PC — assuming you can nail d
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WILMINGTON, Del. , Aug. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The global nail care market is estimated to gain a value of US$ 23.1 Bn by the end of 2031, as per a study by Transparency Market Research (TMR). Moreover, the nail salon industry analysis state
Tricia Despres is a writer for PEOPLE digital, covering everything from country music to pets to that love story that will have you shedding some tears. Since graduating from Northern Illinois University with her Journalism degree firmly in her hands, the wife of one and mother of two has writ